

Research Studies

Nearly half of refugees entering the U.S. this year are Muslims

The U.S. has received 28,957 Muslim refugees so far in fiscal year 2016, or nearly half (46%) of the more than 63,000 refugees who have entered the country since the fiscal year began Oct. 1, 2015, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. That means that already this year the U.S. More

Nearly half of refugees entering the U.S. this year are Muslims


Islamophobia a veil for racism

So long as this hatred does not amount to direct violence or inciting violence against any individual or group, people are free to express their aversion to religions and ideologies as much as they like. This can be in the form of a polite expression of disagreement, or it could be expressed with insults and mockery. More

Islamophobia a veil for racism


The Five Pillars of Islamophobia

The status of Muslims in the west is under threat. The increased prevalence of anti-Muslim hate crime is only one of the more visible consequences. In the UK, Muslim schoolchildren are suffering a “backlash” of abuse, according to the teaching unions; Muslim women are the victims of more than half of Islamophobic attacks, says Tell MAMA. More

The Five Pillars of Islamophobia

Islam Empowered

There is No Compulsion in Religion

If you compel somebody to be a Muslim then they wouldn’t really be a Muslim, because to be a Muslim means that you have to be a Muslim at heart. More

There is No Compulsion in Religion


Islamic and Interest-Based Finance: Why Different?

Finance aims to facilitate economic transactions and real economic activity. More

Islamic and Interest-Based Finance: Why Different?


Why Are Muslims More Likely to Suffer From OCD?- 3

Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress. More

Why Are Muslims More Likely to Suffer From OCD?- 3


ISIL: Cycles of Brutality

Second, the puzzle of foreign fighters is no less obscured by an overemphasis on the allure of Salafism. Again, the tendency here is to ignore any motivation except the overriding call of the Salafi jihadist who persuades converts of the truth of Islam and of their responsibility to wage war in defense of the Islamic community. In ISIL’ case, More

ISIL: Cycles of Brutality


ISIL: A Causa Sui?

First, we lack a good grasp of the motivations of those who fight for or alongside ISIL, so we assume that they are motivated by Salafism and the desire to live in a caliphate. What information we do have comes almost entirely from ISIL propaganda and recruitment videos, a few interviews, and the occasional news report about a foreign fighter More

ISIL: A Causa Sui?


Knowledge about ISIL

I should begin by emphasizing that our knowledge of ISIL is extremely scant. We know close to nothing about ISIL’ social base. We know little about how it made its military gains, and even less about the nature of the coalitions into which it has entered with various groups — from other Islamist rebels in Syria to secular Ba‘athists in Iraq. More

Knowledge about ISIL


How Not To Understand ISIL: Introduction

The group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant or simply the Islamic State (ISIL, ISIL, or IS) has attracted much attention in the past few months with its dramatic military gains in Syria and Iraq and with the recent US decision to wage war against it. More

How Not To Understand ISIL: Introduction


How Scholars View All-Women Mosque

women and men should go to the masjid for prayers and spiritual, educational, and social gatherings while observing Islamic ethics of man-woman interactions. More

How Scholars View All-Women Mosque


Burning Jordanian Pilot Alive: Dr. Khaled Hanafy Comments

I see no justification for supporting such an act by evoking cases of Muslim victims burnt alive such as in Myanamar because the preptrators of such crimes are not good examples to follow. We should not respond to the wrong with a graver wrong. A Muslim is commanded to abide by the limits set by Allah in all situations: in war, peace, governance More

Burning Jordanian Pilot Alive: Dr. Khaled Hanafy Comments